Welcome to this week’s blog. This week is the fourth week (4th blog) I am continuing to do a deep dive into God’s 7 promises in the Bible. But of course, these are only a very small select few of God’s promises to His children.

So, with a little research into what exactly are God’s biblical promises, both in the Old and New Testaments, I discovered, not at all to my own amazement, there are many more than seven promises from God. More like countless promises in scripture. Christians and those alike, can trust and believe He has, and will continue to keep His word.
Unlike man, who makes promises to family and friends every day, and then miserably fails to keep his word; God has made promises of what He will do for us, and has and will continue to keep them all the days of our lives. God’s promises have never failed. Scripture proves this. His word, and the fulfillment of His word is what makes Him a trusting God.
As a small sample, we have the following promises from God:
God reminds us daily,
1. I am your strength.
2. I will never leave you.
3. I have plans for you to prosper.
4. I hear your prayers.
5. I will fight for you.
6. I will give you peace.
7. I always love you.

Because the above seven promises are broad in nature, and surely not an all-encompassing list of promises scriptures shows us in the Bible, I felt duty-bound to write a series of blogs on God’s promises. Why multiple blogs? Because when we think about God’s nature, nothing is too large, to great or impossible for Him. This means that there are many, many more promises spoken by God in the Bible, aside from the seven listed above. Over the course of the next several weeks, my blogs will be elaborating on “God’s 7 Promises.”
Each week I will provide biblical stories, parables, and scripture that undoubtedly prove that not only did God reassure man of His promises, but to trust in His word. He promises He will be our strength, and never leave us. He has plans to prosper us. He hears our prayers. He will always fight for us. He will give us peace, and most importantly His love endures forever.
Let’s get started. This week's blog covers 2 Peter 1:4, 2 Corinthians 1:20, Joshua 23:14 and 1 John 2:25 in the New King James (NKJ) Bible.
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4 by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. – 2 Peter 1:4 (NKJ)

God’s promise in this verse is telling us that His divine power gives us everything we need to live godly lives through our knowledge of Him, who has called us by His own glory and goodness. It is only through God’s glory and goodness, that He has given us His very great and precious promises. God is the only one who can provide the power for us to grow from within, no man alone can do this. Man does not have the resources to be truly godly. And because God already knows this as our creator, is why He allows us to “participate in the divine nature,” so that we turn away from sin, which helps us live our lives for Him, and not for own selfish ways. Therefore, by God’s divine nature, is how we can escape the corruption in the world.
20 For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us. – 2 Corinthians 1:20 (NKJ)

This scripture is referring to three letters Paul had written to the Corinthians. In Paul’s ministry, as he was teaching and correcting the Corinthians, he used strong words to defend his authority as an apostle, and to refute the false teachers in Corinth. In this verse, Paul reminded the Corinthians of God’s faithfulness. There is no deception with God. His promises have been, and will continue to be fulfilled. There is no wavering between “yes” and “no” with God. In Jesus Christ, all of God’s promises continue to be fulfilled. Jesus is the embodiment of God’s faithfulness. Because Jesus Christ is faithful, Paul (a messenger appointed by Jesus) was also faithful in his ministry.
14 "Behold, this day I am going the way of all the earth. And you know in all your hearts and in all your souls that not one thing has failed of all the good things which the Lord your God spoke concerning you. All have come to pass for you; not one word of them has failed. – Joshua 23:14 (NKJ)

In this scripture, Joshua tells us of the many sufferings of the Israelites because of their failure to follow God wholeheartedly. God was extremely loving and patient with Israel, just as He is with each of us today. But we must not confuse His patience with us as approval of, or indifference when it comes to our sin. Be careful when demanding your own way in your life, as opposed to all the good things the Lord our God has promised you for your life, but only if you follow Him. Because eventually you may get your own way, and with that comes all of its painful consequences. If you continue to turn away from God’s promises, and choose not to follow Him wholeheartedly, so that you may go your own way, He will eventually grant you your own way, it’s His gift of “free choice.” It is then that God will leave you in your own misery. You will remain living in your own misery because it was you, and only you, who chose to turn your back on Him. It was you that refused to believe He could make a difference in your life.
25 And this is the promise that He has promised us--eternal life. – 1 John 2:25 (NKJ)

John, who was one of most privileged and respected eyewitnesses of Christ, wrote authoritatively to give a new generation of believer’s assurance and confidence in God’s promises, and to also strengthen their faith. In 1 John, chapter 5, verse 13, he writes “I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life.” In this scripture John is warning us against denying the Son, the Son of God, for if you do, you will not have eternal life, but perish.

Christians then, and still today have heard, read and followed the gospels of John. Christians know that Christ is God’s Son, He died for our sins, and was raised to give us new life, an eternal life with God. Therefore, this is the promise God has made to us, an eternal life with Him.

It is God’s promise that He would one day return, and establish His kingdom in its fullness. Today, just like the Christians in John’s time, John realized their fellowship was being permeated by teachers who denied these basic doctrines of the Christian faith. Some believers were in danger of submitting to false arguments. But John eagerly encouraged them to hold on to the Christian truth they heard at the beginning of their walk with Christ. John's same encouragement applies to us today. No matter how much we learn, we must never abandon the basic truths about Christ. Jesus will always be God’s Son, and His sacrifice for our sins was made permanent on the cross. There is no other truth that will contradict or supersede these core teachings of the Bible.
As we continue to see in each of these biblical stories each week, what God promised then, He continues to promise to us today. He hears our prayers; He gives us peace; He is our strength; He will fight for us; He will never leave us; He promises to one day return to take His children home, and give us a new life, an eternal life with Him.
Therefore, we must always trust Him to do what He says He’s going to do for each of us.
Blessings until next week,
Debra Pauli Unstoppable Believer
Scripture Quotes: Holy Bible – New King James Version (NKJ)
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