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Graceful Perseverance: Peace in Christ! - 08/23

Writer's picture: Debra PauliDebra Pauli

Welcome to this week's blog. Today let's focus on peace during these very uncertain times. Where can we find peace? Where do you go to find peace? Jesus reminds us throughout scripture, when our minds are fixed on Him, He will keep us in His perfect peace. When there’s no peace on earth, there is peace in Christ.

What does His perfect peace really mean? I’ve learned in my faith walk that I’ve spent a good portion of my life seeking peace, through all that I have experienced, but without Christ in my life. It took many years of storms, lost hope, and no strength left in me to finally learn that peace is not something you can get from this world. Peace is not something a family member, husband or wife, or a lover or friend can give us either. Peace is the opposite of fear, anxiety, broken hearts, and tear-filled eyes, all of which man is very good at providing. Peace is not the pursuit of happiness either, although contrary to popular belief, many believe it is. So, what is the true definition of peace, and how do we attain it, so as too never lose it?

What does Jesus have to say about peace?

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. – John 14:27 (NKJ).

There you have it, there’s the answer! We can only achieve peace in our lives through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Because we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. I know for many of you, there is little or no hope in this message. And for others, the task sounds too overwhelming, and daunting to even attempt with any confidence. But let’s rid the critical attitude, and ask ourselves this. What have you been doing in your life that has brought you peace? In troubled times, and through the storms how have you found peace? When hope was lost, and there was nowhere to turn, how did you find peace? I know for myself, the truthful and honest answer is never, in these situations I never found peace, just the opposite. When we go the road alone, without our Creator, and we desperately seek peace through this world, it’s guaranteed without God by our side, we will never experience His perfect, and flawless peace.

When we walk with Him through the storms of life, the many broken hearts, what feels like never ending, devastating losses, man’s judgments, abuse and disrespect of another human being, racism, prejudice, and discrimination, and the ridicules and mockeries of this world, Jesus is the only one who can give us perfect peace. On what authority can I say this? On all counts of my own life. In 58 years, I have lived a lot, seen a lot, and been through what most will never have to endure in this life. I know one thing is for certain, had I never found Jesus, and trusted His word, and His promises, I would not be here today. My life would have been shortened by many years, and only because of my own ignorance, stubbornness, and indecisive actions.

God is constantly reminding us in scripture that He doesn’t give as this world gives. He pleads with us to walk with Him, and promises He will not let our hearts be troubled or afraid. A relationship with Christ is the only way we are going to find peace in this world.

What does a 5-year old have to say about peace?

I included this little 5-year old angel in this blog because I believe if a young child such as Claire Ryann Crosby can sing gloriously about the peace of Christ, then adults should have no problem understanding where to find perfect peace in their lives.

In 2018, little Claire, along with her Daddy, sang this duet, “Peace in Christ.” What a beautiful song, but what’s even more angelic, is this little girl is singing with her soul, the words that only God could have instilled in her. What a blessing, and a lesson we can all learn from this sweet little angel. I’ve listened to her sing this song so many times, and absolutely, every single time I am deeply, and wonderfully moved by her spirit.

And when we tear up, as we listen, and even sing along with her, just remember it is the Holy Spirit moving in us. God will and does move in our lives in whatever fashion He sees fit in order to get our attention, and draw us near to Him. Little Claire Ryann Crosby is absolutely, and without doubt, one of God’s children called upon to help reach each and every one of us.

I’ve included the lyrics to her song below, and a link to her 2018 YouTube video singing a duet at the young age of five with her Daddy.

Listen to the words, let them come alive. Enjoy, and may you also find peace in your life, God’s perfect peace.

There is peace in Christ; When we learn of him

Feel the love he felt for us; When he bore our sins

Listen to his words; Let them come alive

If we know him as he is; There is peace in Christ

He gives us hope; When hope is gone

He gives us strength; When we can’t go on

He gives us shelter; In the storms of life

When there’s no peace on earth; There is peace in Christ

There is peace in Christ; When we walk with Him

Through the streets of Galilee to Jerusalem

Mend the broken hearts

Dry the tear-filled eyes

When we live the way He lived; There is peace in Christ

He gives us hope; When hope is gone

He gives us strength; When we can't go on

He gives us shelter; In the storms of life

When there’s no peace on earth; There is peace in Christ

He gives us hope; When hope is gone

He gives us strength; When we can't go on

He gives us shelter; In the storms of life

When there's no peace on earth; There is peace in Christ

When there's no peace on earth; There is peace in Christ


by Claire Ryann Crosby

13,879,496 views – 3/30/2018

Blessings until next week,

Debra M. Pauli

Unstoppable Believer

Scripture Quotes: Holy Bible: New International Version (NIV) / New King James (NKJ)

Accredited YouTube Video: PEACE IN CHRIST – Claire Ryann Crosby (5-years old) 2018

Digital Assets: U.S. Copyright Office Fair Use Index, Section 107

Copyright © 2020 by Debra M. Pauli @ Pauli Publishing House (PPH) disclaimer: All rights reserved. No part of these writings may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written permission from the author.



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